[joomla] LOL, when developers revolt

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Thu Jan 27 18:11:56 EST 2011

On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 4:26 PM, Gary Mort <garyamort at> wrote:
> Makes me wonder if perhaps the reason Joomla! is still stuck on Subversion
> is more due to fear of giving someone else control of the sourcecode while
> migrating to Git rather than for any other reason.

No, that is purely do to resistance to change. Git requires a
different approach, and learning new tools.

For a lot of people, that is a barrier that is just high enough for
them to distract themselves with other seemingly more-important

I'm using Git for everything today, and probably complain about it as
much as I compliment it.

This is the best Git workflow I have seen documented so far:

I still detest Git's stubborn philosophy in being cumbersome enough to
be dangerous and anti-productive unless used exactly as intended
though. Whatever happened to polish and panache?

-- Mitch

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