[joomla] Google Results & Keywords - How do I get listed?

Geoffrey Schaller gjschaller at
Mon Nov 12 14:28:25 EST 2012

Thanks for all the feedback so far.  Here's what I have got:

   - I'm running Google Analytics on the site, and have been working with
   PageSpeed to improve the experience over the past few weeks.
   - For a long, long time, I hadn't known that keywords needed to be
   comma separated... that's been fixed, about 2 weeks ago.
   - Content is semi-regularly updated, and there's a very active forum and
   photo gallery.  We get a LOT of traffic from existing members (Usually
   about 600 visits a day).
   - The site's template is optimized to put the content before the menus
   in the actual code - the central DIV comes up before the two side DIV areas
   do, so content should come first.  The only thing that comes before content
   is the heading banner and the page headers.
   - I'm using Xmap already, and have submitted it to Google.
   - The site's been around for 10 years now, and refreshed regularly over
   that lifetime.

I know I'm short on incoming links, and will be addressing that with our
Staff at the next meeting to get a "quality links campaign" going.

I'll have to re-work some of the key words I am looking to use into
headings - it seems meta & keyword tags are not enough.

The thing that's stupefying me is that our competition is, from what I am
seeing, using static HTML pages run by amateur coders.  The fact that they
are all on the first page, while we're back on page 2, is quite a punch to
the gut... ;-)

I may need to do more snooping on my competition's sites, and figure out
what they are doing that I am not.

Thank you for the advice!

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