[nycphp-talk] Turck_mmcache weirdness after upgrading to php4.3.10

Rolan Yang rolan at
Wed Dec 22 03:34:12 EST 2004

Some of my scripts have begun to exhibit odd behavior after upgrading to 
php 4.3.10, such as variables not printing their values when used in 
"print" statements. After modifying the php scripts and then reverting 
it back to the original code, the scripts began to function properly. I 
suspect this has something to do with Turck_mmcache 2.3.23 which is 
loaded.  I will upgrade to the lastest Turck_mmcache to see if it fixes 
the problems.

I just thought I'd make a report to save some head pounding in case 
anyone else encounters a similiar problem.


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