[nycphp-talk] Deconstructing google maps

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Tue Apr 5 21:40:07 EDT 2005

Rolan Yang |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> Jay,
> Thanks for that link! I've used zipcode databases for clients before, 
> but none were public domain. It will come in handy and also cut down 
> on future costs. I've been looking into the google maps interface 
> lately. It's pretty sexy. I've decoded the scheme they use to map 
> image blocks to lat/lon coordinates. Here's a simple interface:
> source can be viwed at
> It's interesting to note that Google's function uses 39.50N 98.35W as 
> the center point whereas the actual center of the continental US is at 
> 39°50'N 98°35'W   ... a conversion error!
> I'll have to figure out how they do that fancy dhtml/javascript 
> scrolling next. Anyway, check it out, and if you make any 
> improvements, shoot me back an email.
> ~Rolan

Rolan I find Google's map to be consitently "off" several hundred feet 
or more. I don't understand your comment about conversion error, but do 
you also see the display being off?

-=john andrews

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