[nycphp-talk] Liability protection for consultants?

Brian Kaney brian at
Thu Feb 10 13:44:39 EST 2005

On Thu, 2005-02-10 at 13:30, Edward wrote:
> OsCommece, although very buggy  and budensome to it's databases is still the
> most flexibly and fully supported open source solution I could find. If one
> is even and average PHPer he can make OsCommerce beautiful, and functional.
> With thousands of developers paticipating and hundreds and hundreds of
> modules and contributions being developed weekly, I strongly suggest giving
> it a good honest try.

Perhaps it has been upgraded since my last bout with OSC, but based on
my experience, I tend to disagree.  All the logic is mixed into the
presentation.  So, for example, if you want to change a UI element you
risk breaking core code.  This seems inflexible to me.

If OSC used a template engine or template design pattern, it would be a
big step in the right direction. 

I spent a few months last summer (2004) trying to use OSC, so this is my
direct experience.  But new releases may  have cleaned up "under the
hood" stuff...

- Brian

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