[nycphp-talk] Double Loading PHP as image - Firefox or PHP?

Wellington Fan wfan at
Wed Nov 30 20:40:01 EST 2005


> > > What happens if you remove the Content-Disposition header?
> Alright, changing the Content Disposition to 'attachment' (from inline)
> helps... When calling directly from FF 1.5 it tries to download, only


If I understand correctly, then Chris is right, and you don't need the
Content-Disposition header, /at all/. Try commenting out the line entirely.
Yeah, you often need it, but as an inline image, you don't.

That said, I can't fathom how it should give you double hits. I just ran this

$fd = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/hitcounts.txt','a+');
fwrite( $fd, date('r') . ' | ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "\n" );

header('Content-Type: image/gif');
header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename=count.gif');
readfile ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/images/and.gif');

and it works fine; single hits every time.


I have a Firefox plugin that lets me peek at the response headers, and when I
turned that on -- surprise! -- it *also* requests my script, and thus,
generates another hit. Check all you plugins, especially web development-type
ones that might be generating more requests w/o your knowing it...


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