[nycphp-talk] Zend Certification

Jonathan hendler at
Fri Sep 16 01:02:09 EDT 2005

As you might have seen in previous posts, I took the test a few days ago.
I would like several levels of certification - but the existing test was 
well written and does establish a standard baseline.
My bet is that most employers, unless they are a real PHP house, haven't 
heard of Zend certification, or even Zend itself. So it'd be up to you 
to explain the merits of your certification to them. I think it could help.

Anthony Papillion wrote:

>Hello Everyone,
>I'm sure this has already been discussed on the list before but I was
>wanting some updated perspective about Zend Certification.
>I'm a serious, professional PHP developer who's competing for jobs
>with people who "picked up scripting and have done a few sites in
>their spare time". I'm wanting to find something that can immediately
>differentiate myself and my skill set from those people without the
>client or employer having to setup an interview and review sample
>code, etc. I think a Zend cert might help do that.
>My question is this: how seriously is the certification taken by
>employers and clients? Does it really set a developer apart or is it
>like the old MCSE cert was a few years ago?

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