[nycphp-talk] Help with Buttons and how I can only make pressable once a day

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon Jul 3 15:45:50 EDT 2006

tedd |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>Hey, what are you doing voting more than once? You trying to screw up the results? :-)
>If I was serious about securing a one vote per day thing, I would work out something a bit different. However, as I said "If something like this would solve your problem..."
>If he wants something more secure, money is always a good incentive. Ya gets what's pay fer.
Hah. You'll have to go back about a month or so to see when Sevin was 
added to the list to truly appreciate the effort.   ;-)

Anyway, the point is just what several people pointed out when they 
asked for more info... the definition of    "how can [I] make the button 
only pressable (or be available for "pressing") once a day?"

For some of us, that is the script-kiddie problem that plagues PHP. It 
is easy to "adopt" a script but if you do, you adopt a set of 
assumptions (and coditions) along with it. Usually they are not obvious. 
That makes it "easy" because you don't need to think through those 
details, but it also makes it harder as you later discover those details 
are actually important. You may not be able to modify those adopted 
scripts as needed. And of course, if you never learn of the importance 
of the details, they may be out there awaiting exploitation.

I have no problem with scripts like yours, tedd, but it would be really 
useful if they came with some details of the assumptions made and links 
to tutorials that cover all the bases. Your outbound link could frame 
the issue, with the destination providing what is needed to understand 
the approach you took with that script.  Otherwise, as a list of "hot 
scripts" I could not  recommend them to anyone for fear of perpetuating 
the PHP script-kiddie problem. Clearly they serve some other purpose for 

I thought Michael's reply was excellent because it addressed the 
question and provided outbound links when they are obviously needed 
here. but would it get read? I'm not sure, and especially when the 
reader could just adopt a script that looks like it works. It seems 
sooooooo easy to just go with the script, eh?

-=john andrews

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