[nycphp-talk] Re: OT: webmaster test

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Sat Apr 19 12:24:59 EDT 2008

On Wed, 16 Apr 2008, David Krings wrote:

> See, I consider a university not to be a continuation of high school. A 
> university is supposed to train interested candidates in a field of choice 
> with the goal to make them subject matter experts in that field.

Yes, exactly!

> This is how 
> many other university systems in the world understand "higher education". One 
> reason why foreign specialists are so attractive to US businesses...


> and the 
> fact that under H1B via the employees are tied to the company and can be made 
> to do the same job for less money.
> I think the liberal arts model is purely used for the reason that most high 
> school graduates are not ready for university studies.

Which to me mens they probably should not be in university until they've 
decided what they want to do.

> Maybe with better trained university graduates the 
> need for certifications would be a moot point.

Totally agree. Maybe the fact that you and I were NOT educated in the US 
gives us a different view on higher education.


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