[nycphp-talk] [Slightly OT] Profiling Site Response Time

Brent Baisley brenttech at
Tue Dec 16 20:39:11 EST 2008

You can try using some unix utilities like wget to do timings. PHP has  
CURL commands you can use to automate some testings. There are also  
testing tools, like Selenium, you can use on any computer to do  
automated testing.


On Dec 16, 2008, at 7:21 PM, Nasir Zubair wrote:

> Hi All,
> Can anyone suggest an offline program or utility to profile response  
> time for an intranet website during various visits.
> I'm trying troubleshooting a peculiar problem with one of our  
> intranet websites in IE6. The site is not fully functional in non-IE  
> browsers (IE6 being the company standard). On the first visit to  
> site for the day, the site takes good 30-45 seconds to respond, any  
> subsequent visits are under 1 sec, as expected. After some general  
> testing (cache, cookies, etc.) I am fairly confident that the  
> workstation configuration are not a problem. The issue can be  
> reproduced on a number of workstations using a number of different  
> NT accounts. For every account, the slow down is only once, during  
> the initial visit.
> I have been looking for various tools to profile the site response  
> and have consistently been running into the following issues:
> 1. the site is on an intranet, inaccessible from the internet, which  
> rules out all the online tools.
> 2. the site is using SSL, which caused Fiddler ( 
> ) and couple of other utilities to skip it altogether.
> I am not the developer of the site in question, but since I'm given  
> the task of troubleshooting the issue, I want to back up my obvious  
> conclusions with some numbers.
> Thanks in advance.
> - Nasir
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