[nycphp-talk] 3D ANIMATION

Rolan Yang rolan at
Wed Jun 4 13:13:49 EDT 2008

selyah wrote:
> Hello:
> This request is a bit off topic, but i was wondering if anyone know or 
> have information on a 3-D program that can be downloaded from the net 
> and also have a easy to follow tutorial.
> I have to combine a web page and an animation/rendering of solids into 
> a projec.
> Thanks in advance
About 10 years ago VRML was a hot buzzword. Do a search for "vrml java 
viewer" to find some 3d rendering applets.
As far as I know, VRML is a "standard" so you should be able to find a 
utility to port your 3dstudio or autocad objects into VRML.
I was conflicted about replying to this message because subject is quite 
off topic . Perhaps it would be more appropriate to move it to a lower 
bandwidth list like "front-end"?


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