[nycphp-talk] MongoDB and others, convince me. :-)

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Dec 4 14:30:06 EST 2009

On Fri, 4 Dec 2009, Brian O'Connor wrote:

> This might be a bit of a side topic, but does anyone have any good resources
> to read about this noSQL stuff?  I've looked VERY briefly at MongoDB, but
> didn't think it was anything that amazingly fantastical that everyone seems
> to be talking about.  But if it is the next generation, I'd like to be on
> board.

Maybe :-)

You also might want to see if there's a NOSQL meeting taking place 
nearby (or a talk featuring Mongo, Hadoop, Tokyo Cabinet or Couch).

What I like is that a lot of these databases use REST interfaces and some 
of them use JSON (which scales really well).


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