[nycphp-talk] PHP 5.3 add_x_header Broken

Hans Zaunere lists at
Thu May 21 18:23:43 EDT 2009


I wanted to check to see if anyone else had been seeing this issue before
reporting a bug.

In PHP 5.3, there's the mail.add_x_header configuration setting.  When On,
which is the default with the preferred/production php.ini, it adds the
X-PHP-Originating-Script email header for tracking purposes of email.

However, when the X-PHP-Originating-Script header is added, it's prefixed
with a \r\n.  This thus breaks some email clients, especially when sending
from a Unix host where all the other headers are separated by only a \n.

When mail.add_x_header is set to off the emails are sent correctly.

There appears to be no workaround, especially since there are so many email
clients, each with their own behavior.  End of the day, the email header
line breaks should be consistent.

Has anyone else ran into this or any other thoughts?


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